MikeNnemonic Wiki

True and honest photo of IRA

IRA (Full name IRAwEsOmE) is a stream regular of Mike's and frequent viewer of many of the other's streams.


He leans towards making light jokes and isn't usually too opinionated.


IRA kill 9 RUC officers in mortar attack, Newry (1985)

IRA being a badass.


He first found Mike's videos when looking for walkthroughs of Exmortis, a horror game which Mike commentated over. After discovering Mike's Let's Plays, he has followed his streams ever since and usually shows up for most of them.


-Ira is from North Carolina and used to work at a casino.  Take a wild fucking guess which one.

-He probably lives closest to Lambda

-He enjoys co-oping games with Steve, primarily L4D2

-He is one the few regulars that genuinely enjoys Bern streams

-He is currently employed by Glacken at Dick's

-He also has the highest killstreak against the RUC.  Seriously, Youtube it.
